About the Project
The Downtown Area Revitalization Plan (DARP) provides a 15-year vision to catalyze the revitalization of downtown Drumheller. The project aims to re-establish the downtown as the cultural and economic hub of the Valley, a destination for locals and visitors, and a vibrant community. Whether you live, shop, learn, work, or play in downtown Drumheller, get involved and have your say on what our downtown can be!
The project is led by the Town of Drumheller, in consultation with a DARP Advisory Group consisting of community members, business owners, and organizations.
The DARP project included three phases of engagement:
Stage 1: Visioning | July-August 2020
Stage 2: Action Plan Prioritization | February-March 2021
Stage 3: Draft Plan Review | Public Hearing: June 28, 2021
Stage 4 : Plan Approval | July 28, 2021
Thank you to everyone who has participated to date! Your feedback has been essential to the development and refinement of the Downtown Area Revitalization Plan.